Terms Of Use

This site "www.ca-life.gr" is a communication system of the insurance company under the name «CREDIT AGRICOLE LIFE INSURANCE SA» (hereinafter the "Company") with the public (hereinafter the "Users") via the Internet.

Any Users of this website and, generally, of the Company’s electronic site should carefully read the following terms of use and conditions of provision of services, before visiting or using the websites and services offered by the Company and, in the event of disagreement, they should refrain from using them, or, if otherwise, it shall be presumed that they have accepted such terms and conditions and have given their consent thereto. The following terms of use apply to all content, and to what is generally included in this website and, in general, in the Company's electronic site.
The Company reserves the right to unilaterally alter and change the information and material contained in the present website and, in general, in its electronic site, at its discretion, without prior notice of the Users. Users are required each time to undertake a control in relation to any changes or amendments, and, in case where they continue the use, it shall be presumed that they have accepted the modified terms and conditions. In any other case, they are deemed to refrain from using / visiting this website and generally the electronic site of the Company.

1. Copyright - Industrial Property Rights

The information and material contained in this website and generally in the Company's electronic site, including, without limitation, texts, graphics, illustrations, displays, photographs, diagrams, services and all kinds of files and information, are subject to the intellectual property rights of the Company, as well as of the Group of companies to which it belongs (hereinafter the "Group"), unless explicitly stated otherwise. The aforementioned information and material may be freely used by any Users, without, however, being permitted any copying, reproduction, republication, selling, distribution, downloading and modification, for any reason whatsoever, of such information, unless the Company to which such information relates has granted its written consent.
The names and trademarks included in this website and, generally, in the Company's electronic site are registered trademarks of the latter and of the Group to which the Company belongs.
In the event that elements, which are subject to intellectual or industrial property rights of any third parties, appear on this website and, generally, on the Company's electronic site, those are subject to the sole responsibility of such third parties.

2. Users’ Obligations

Users must firstly comply with the provisions of Greek, European and International Law, and also refrain from any illegal or abusive behavior in the use of this website and, generally, of the Company’s electronic site. The adoption of unfair competitive practices or other practices contrary to the rules of NETIQUETTE (Network or Internet Etiquette) are expressly prohibited. Users are solely responsible for any damage caused to this website or, in general, to the Company’s electronic site, in case where such damage arises out of any bad, unlawful or, in general, any improper use of the respective services made by such Users.

3. Liability Limitation (Disclaimer)
The Company uses its best endeavors to ensure the accuracy, correctness, completeness and clarity of all information that appear on this website and, generally, on the Company’s electronic site. However, the Company does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness of the information or of any material appearing on this website and, in general, on the Company’s electronic website and declines any responsibility for errors or omissions with regard to such data. Binding terms are only the terms included in the contracts which are signed by the end customers and entered into between such customers and the Company.
The Company is not liable, under any circumstances, including that of negligence, for any error or inaccuracy in the transmission of information and / or of commands by the User, or for any interference, fraudulent substitution, false indication of User data or for any system failure due to force majeure or any other reason.
The Company does not guarantee, in any case, the uninterrupted and error-free provision of services, nor the content of this website and generally the Company’s electronic site, nor even the absence of "viruses", whether in its website or in another site server, through which the contents of the Company’s website are obtained.
Therefore, the Company is not responsible under any circumstances for any consequential damage or loss of profit, direct or indirect damage, or for any decision stemming from the use of the Company’s website.
Besides, the Company is not responsible for the content and services of other websites or electronic sites to which it refers via links, hyperlinks or advertising banners, nor guarantees their availability. The reference to other websites and electronic sites is solely made for the convenience of the Users and in no way does it create any kind of commitment on behalf of the Company. Any problems that may rise during the visit / use of the websites to which this page refers, are subject to the exclusive responsibility of the respective websites, where the Users are deemed to address themselves.

4. Personal data protection

Each and every User can navigate through the website "www.ca-life.gr" in order to be informed with regard to new products and services, as well as to important announcements of the Company, without providing any personal information.
However, in case where any collection of the User’s personal data is deemed necessary for the completion of a transaction via this website, any reported personal data is kept confidential and private. The Company has taken all necessary measures in order for the managing and processing of all personal data being made only to the extent that is necessary for the completion of the relevant transaction. The use of such personal data by any third party is not permitted, unless the requirements of the applicable dispositions of Greek legislation (Law 2472/1997 and Law 3471/2006) or of the European legislation EU Directives 95/46/EC and 97/66/EC), as in force, are observed..
Any collection and processing of personal data of the Users is made by specially authorized officers of the Company.
Each User maintains the right, via the competent department of the Company, to being informed, access and/or object to any further processing of his personal data.